Join The Fun

Every Thursday Evening

534 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa

Join us for drop-in classes every Thursday at 7:30pm and social dance at 8:30pm.
No pre-reg needed, no partner needed!

Admission Options

Entrance Tickets

Drop in for our classes and dance every Thursday night at 534 Mendocino Ave in Santa Rosa. The beginner class is in our back ballroom, and the intermediate class is in the main ballroom. Classes are from 7:30-8:30pm and the social dance follows from 8:30-10:30pm. Whether you want to take a class only, join for the social dance only, do both, or check on discounts, we have options for all!
We accept cash, check, credit cards, and Venmo.

Class + Social Dance $20

This option includes either the beginner class or the intermediate class, as well as entry into the social dance.

Class $10

Interested in just one lesson? Drop ins are welcome at $10 per class for either the beginner or intermediate level classes.

Student Rate:
Class + social dance $10

We welcome students with FREE classes, every week. So if you are a Middle School, High School, or full-time College student, come learn and dance with us for $10 for the night.

Social Dance $10

Interested in the dance only? Come by any time from 8:30-10:30pm to join for the social dance party!

All-stars & Champions FREE

Need we say more? We love how many Champion and All-Star level dancers we have in the area and we would love to have you dance with us, free of charge.

Santa Rosa’s spot for West Coast Swing

About Downtown Swing

We opened Downtown Swing in July of 2022 with the goal of having a great safe spot, downtown, for West Coast Swing in Santa Rosa. We wanted to bring in top instructors for current dancers to learn from, as well as welcome in new faces and share our love for West Coast Swing with beginner classes as well. Since opening, more than just Santa Rosa has come out; we have dancers traveling from all over the SF Bay area and beyond to dance and learn weekly with us.


Drop in to our beginner or intermediate class weekly from 7:30-8:30pm. No partner is required for either level. Jason and Jessica Taylor typically teach the beginner class, and we have guest All-Star/Champion teachers for the intermediate class. Classes are $10

Social Dance Party

Practice what you learned in the lesson, or just come for the social dance party from 8:30-10:30pm in the main ballroom. We have a live DJ each week and a great community who would love to dance with you! $10 Dance only

Private Lessons

Love West Coast Swing and want some one-on-one instruction? We can connect you with any of our local & semi-local professional instructors. We also offer other styles and Wedding Dance preparation.

The Dance

West Coast Swing

Learn From Us

This Month at Downtown Swing

About Last Night

Photo Gallery


What People Say About Us

West Coast Swing is such a fun dance and the instructors they have each week are great! So glad I found this place, I’ll definitely be coming back each week!


Downtown Swing is a great place to hang out, dance, and meet friends. Plus, it’s an awesome location right by some great restaurants and bars!
